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Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Christmas Day 2011

Where does the time go .... no sooner had Chris & I opened our prezzies from each other, when it was time to get ourselves ready to make the journey to Maidstone to visit our son Mark and his wife Gabby. They had decided on a quiet romantic Christmas this year so we dropped by with prezzies and Christmas Wishes before making our way to our other Son Andrew and his wife to be Nadine (weddings in May - Can't wait- it will be lovely).
Soon after arriving at Andy's we received a phone call from our daughter Sarah who is in Florida working on the Disney Cruise Liner 'Disney Dream'. So there was a lot of excitement to wish her a happy christmas.

Nadine and Andrew then served a lovely dinner to us and Nadine's mum Sue. The afternoon in true family tradition transended into playing games to which 'The Cube' game that Andy had been bought for xmas 2010 made its way to the dining table. We all made fools of ourselves but it was good fun. Finally left at 10pm having watched Eastenders completely exhausted..... but happy.
Wonder what tomorrow will bring?

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